Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl who knows just as much about a subject that are usually reserved for guys? I.E. Like asking, hey, how do you change the cap and rotor, or what's the firing order on a Chevy 302, etc etc etc?Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?nah thats not true, i ask my friends guy/girl for help sometimes,but why ask anybody for help if you can do it your self ,some guys are really fat headed thinking girls are not into that stuff just cuz your a girl :%26gt;Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?It's manly pride. Men like to think that females cannot do this stuff. These things will not change. Just be happy that you know you could answer them better than most of the answers they get off other guys. :)
EDIT: Also, with manly issues, I think most men would feel pretty demasculinated by getting answers from women to questions that they feel they should know, being male. Of course, I am generalising here. Not all men are like this.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?The ones who won't ask appear to believe that ignorance is %26quot;manly.%26quot;Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?O.K Dear,I could use some help, What are the cylinder torque pattern and specs. for a 2002 T.P aluminum block 121%26quot; V-Twin.
Oh. and as long as I have you, how much can I deck my heads without creating excessive compression ?Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?Honestly i would feel pretty stupid about asking women questions on certain topics which are generally men's forte.
Sorry i know its silly but i would rather ask a man about certain topics then a woman just as women will rather ask other women for help on certain topics.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?Because the vast majority of women and men would not know the answer.
And I don't know any women who could answer it.
Your question is an extremely unlikely, hypothetical 'what if' situation that has never played out and probably never will.
If you work at an auto-shop, I'll ask you but that's about the only time I'll ask a man or woman for help.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?It's just because guys do not want to feel ignorant in a field that they are suppose to have superior knowledge in, besides, not all girls ( or even guys ) had the good fortune to be raised by older brothers who could teach them about cars. =)Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?Because if I do not know about something, chances are a woman knows even less.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?Because it is global fact that guys know these things much better than most women do. It's like asking a guy about barbies, shoes, fashion, and chick flicks.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?You should place yourself in the guy. I think you answered yourself. The subjects are usually reserved for guys, therefore a guy can feel less guy when they don't know about stuff like that.
It might sound extreme but it's like asking help from a guy for a subject like periods.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?thanks for generalizing creep. Not all men fit this stereotype.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?Because men know that women will just f*ck it up even more.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?Because you don't know ****.
EDIT: So would I, you don't know ****.Guys, why do you not like to ask for help from a girl?Coz If a man shows interest in a woman's opinion(s) she'll never stfu!